Bethel’s theology in the light of Scripture

Bethel Church in Redding California, most of us probably already heard about this church. Weekly sermon Podcasts, online viewable video testimonies, worship sessions and seminars, viewable via livestream or later on demand are ways in which not only the person participating in the events at Bethel Church on campus but also the person connected via the Internet can receive professionally designed resources of inspiring sermons, so You can witness and become part of a church culture of expecting the supernatural works of Jesus through the Holy Spirit and encouraging the listener to expect more from Jesus. I myself have been listening to their Podcast for a long time and have received encouragement, have been challenged and even rebuked in some areas of my walk with Jesus Christ.

“Don’t eat the bones” – is a sentence Bill Johnson sometimes uses when talking about his won sermons or about what is happening in his movement originating from Bethel Church. The hearer is thus encouraged to reflect biblically about what he/she heard and keep only that which is good, als Paul also writes in his first letter to the Thessalonians. I recently stumbled upon the video embedded below and it contains – in my opinion – a fine reflection on the teachings and practices originating from Bethel Church. Not judging the whole movement or single persons, not gossiping, but using the sharp edge of the word of God to discern what is being said. I can recommend everyone who would like to have some theological perspective on the teachings from Bethel Church while enjoying their resources. Also I can recommend it to anyone who want’s to have some light shed on those moments while You ask Yourself how a certain claim or teaching can be derived from scripture.

As with everything, also about this video Paul’s words speak to us when he writes: “test them all; hold on to what is good”(1. Thess 5,21).